"I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life. (Leo Tolstoy, "Family Happiness"; Passage highlighted in one of the books found with Chris McCandless's remains.)" Chapter 3. Page 15. Paragraph 1.
McCandless is tired of having an ordinary quiet life. He wants adventure and going on his back country Alaskan journey is his idea of excitement and danger. McCandless has this drive to go and complete his journey no matter what it takes even if it means putting his own life at risk. While reading this passage in the book "Family Happiness", McCandless probably saw a lot of himself in the passage. This attitude is what got him on his journey in the first place. He wants to provide for himself with his own two hands and not rely on anything to do with society. He doesn't want to see any cars or people. McCandless wants to live off the land eating only edible plants he finds and animals he kills.